Powering The Future – Community Event

We are excited to invite you to our event ‘Powering The Future’ on Thursday, 7th November 2024 at 4-7pm in Fishguard Town Hall.

We will explain our aim for the future: To generate enough renewable energy to power the whole of Fishguard and Goodwick by 2035.

There will be practical advice for people and organisations and some fun ways to understand more about renewable energy. A very cool Virtual Reality experience awaits those of you who always wanted to walk inside a Wind Turbine 😍

In the run up to the event, local children and young people can send entries in for our Art & Writing competitions (for school age children) and green ideas for our towns (16-25yr olds). Click through the images below to read about the details for each competition or read on further below.

drop in event

Could the Fishguard and Goodwick area be powered by energy that’s clean, green and 100% local? That’s the challenge that Transition Bro Gwaun will be offering the community at this free family-friendly drop-in event from 4pm to 7pm on Thurs, 7 November at Fishguard Town Hall.

Whats On

The big theme is Community Energy, and how the community can generate enough renewable and affordable energy to power the whole of Fishguard and Goodwick by 2035. There will be displays on TBG’s projects, advice and experience from related organisations and businesses, displays of entries received for our children’s art work and storytelling competitions as well as the prizes presentations for these competitions.

  • TBG project stalls including:

our Renewable Energy Acceleration Project (REAP) team who have been leading our research on how the community can generate enough renewable and affordable energy to power the whole of Fishguard and Goodwick by 2035

The hard working team are exploring all possible ways of achieving our aim through a combination of various technologies, including a Solar PV project. In order to power our community with green energy by 2035, solar panels will be needed on every appropriate roof in our area.

TBG aims to provide independent advice for those wishing to install and own their own solar systems, and is also developing a solar PV rental scheme for people keen to have solar panels installed, and maintained, at no cost to themselves. For the latter:
• TBG will own, install, and operate the solar panel systems
• Roof owners will save money by getting electricity at a discounted rate
• TBG will use its income to buy more solar panels, creating a self-funding solar PV installation cycle.

You can read more here ahead of the event, meet the team and share your ideas and views with them  on the 7th November.

Abergwaun Community Wind Turbine, and our plans to upgrade it so that it will make more renewable energy and more money for our community

The Community Climate Fund (CCF), which uses the wind turbine income to give grants, learn how to apply for the next round of funding

Totalling £76,000 since 2022, the CCF has helped local businesses and groups to develop green projects. The CCF has just launched it’s 4th round of funding and will be awarding more grants in March 2025. This event is a chance for interested organisations and businesses to speak to grant recipients from previous years and learn more.

Our Community Fridge will provide delicious soup, and there will be other local food stalls

Our lovely Garment Repair Cafe with some practical garment repair tips and demonstrations

  • Marine Energy Wales in association with Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum providing children activities and the very cool VR experience (A VR walk inside a Wind Turbine)

TBG has, since our early days, explored the potential for tidal flow generation to contribute to local needs. Technology advances, and this will be an opportunity to speak to the experts and gain valuable insight into the latest developments in that area.

  • Local solar installers providing information about technical issues
  • Cwm Arian Renewable Energy (CARE) – have pioneered several community projects, and provides energy advice in our area.
  • Community Energy Wales – the organisation that supports groups developing community energy projects across Wales
  • Training – information and advice will be available for those considering a career in renewable energy
  • Swansea University’s Active Buildings (Specific) Project

TBG has an ambition to build an ‘active building’ for community use, generating more power than it needs. We are looking for a site – please let us know if you can help

Art Competition 4-8yrs (English and Welsh)

This is our wind turbine making green electricity. We say that it’s green because it doesn’t make any pollution. The electricity goes into the ‘grid’ that sends electricity all around the country, so whenever you use electricity, some of it could be from our turbine.
How does our wind turbine make things better for you or for our area? Show us in a picture. The pictures will go on display in Fishguard Town Hall in November. There will be two prizes of a £20
Seaways voucher to buy more art supplies.

One will be picked by our judges and one by public vote. Your picture can be any size up to A3. Write your name, age and school (or your contact details) on the back.

Your teacher may collect up pictures to send to us. Otherwise you can send it yourself to TBG Art Comp, 8a Main Street, Fishguard, SA65 9HH by 28 October. Winners will be announced at TBG’s Powering the Future event on 7th November 2024, at Fishguard Town Hall.

Writing Competition 8-16yrs (English and Welsh)

We want to generate enough renewable energy to power the whole of Fishguard and Goodwick by 2035, saving money for local people. But how green could our area get? We want your ideas in the form of a story or piece of descriptive writing, in Welsh or in English. There will be a prize of a £20 book token for each category:

Years 4-6 in English

Years 4-6 in Welsh

Years 7-11 in English

Years 7-11 in Welsh

Your teacher may arrange to collect and send us your story. Otherwise, please send it either by email to enquiries@transitionbrogwaun.org.uk or by post/ through the letterbox to TBG Story Comp, 8a Main Street, Fishguard, SA65 9HH by 28 October. Tell us your name, age and contact details or school (so that we can get in touch). Winners will be announced at TBG’s Powering the Future event on 7th November 2024, at Fishguard Town Hall.

Great Green Ideas Competition 16-25yrs English and Welsh

We want to make our area sustainable – a good place for people and nature to live without harming the planet or our future.  TBG’s target is to generate enough renewable evergy to power the whole of Fishguard and Goodwick by 2035, keeping money in the area and helping reduce people’s bills. 

What’s important to you?  Do you have a good idea for the area that we could support, either by working with you to carry it out, or by helping champion your project.  Show us your idea in a short video, sent by 28 October to enquiries@transitionbrogwaun.org.uk.

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